We are a Roman Catholic church family that supports each other in times of need and on our individual faith journeys. While we don't have a resident priest, we are blessed to have Father Paul Machira from Kenya as our pastor. Father Paul lives at St. Thomas Aquinas Church in Binghamton NY and travels to Greene and Oxford to celebrate Mass and the sacraments. Our church family is very involved in parish life, community outreach, evangelization and faith formation. Come be part of ICC!

About Our Parish

Email: ICC Office Email immcongreene@syrdio.org

Phone Numbers:

(Mary Wentlent Cell) 607-644-3883

(OFFICE) 607-656-9546;

Address: 1180 State Highway 206, Greene, N.Y. 13778.


Rev. Msgr. John P. Putano, Administrator

Rev. Paul Machira, Priest

Mary Wentlent, Pastoral Associate

Mobile Directory - Contact Mary Wentlent or the parish office for the access code.

Baptism & RCIA: Call ICC Parish Office 656-9546

Marriage At least six months preparation suggested. Pre-Marriage (Pre-Cana) sessions are required.

Sick & Shut-ins Please notify the Parish Office when illness occurs or when the sick and aged are confined to a nursing home or hospital.

ICC Facilities Scheduling: Any persons, groups, committees that want to use any of the parish facilities must contact the Parish Office, 656-9546, to reserve the date & place.

ICC Parish Council Chris Rice, Jean Stevens, Kathleen Anastos, Jim Saroka, Alison Norton, Sue Carlin, Zach Urda

ICC Trustees: Jackie Henninge & Donna Heisler. Feel free to contact them with any concerns you have about our parish @ 656-9546.

Webmaster: Derick Heisler - dheisler@syrdio.org

Knights of Columbus meeting at ICC on the first Thursday of every month, 7:00 pm. Grand Knight Charles Browning @ 656-8904

Prayer Chain: contact Joan Trepa 656-8151

Bulletin: information due by Tuesday 12 Noon for that weekend’s publication.

Parish Council Guidelines